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Friday, October 20, 2017

Plus Men's Club: The 7 most dangerous exercises you should not do if you are over 50.

#4 Bikram yoga

To be clear — yoga is great for maintaining your flexibility. However, this steamy, sweaty variety is a bad choice. As we previously mentioned, you get dehydrated more easily as you get older. And the extreme heat in a hot yoga studio is enough to make you sweat to the point of fainting.
Opt for a lower-impact yoga class that will help you maintain your flexibility, without the high temperatures. And of course, always have extra water on hand!

If this was helpful like it and forward it. Standby for tomorrows exercise you should not do if over 50.

Plus Men's Club: The 7 most dangerous exercises you should not do if you are over 50.

#3 Running Stairs.

Running stairs may seem like a great exercise method. But running up stairs becomes a hazard in your 50s and beyond. Your ability to balance begins to decline at midlife, making the practice of climbing the stairs costly. (Long story short, you’re more likely to lose your footing and take a tumble.) Plus, stairs are tough on the knees.  If climbing stairs is your preferred form of cardio, try the stationary stair-climber at the gym.

If this was helpful like it and forward it. Standby for tomorrows exercise you should not do if over 50.

50 Plus Men's Club: The 7 most dangerous exercises you should not do if you are over 50.

Plus Men's Club: The 7 most dangerous exercises you should not do if you are over 50.

#2 High intensity interval training (HIIT)

Yes, HIIT is all the rage right now. But it isn’t for everyone, especially once you’re over the hill. The body’s ability to get dehydrated rises as we get older, making super sweaty HIIT workouts a health hazard. Headaches, a decrease in blood pressure, and even delirium are just a couple side effects associated with dehydration. (The gym is probably one of the last places on earth you want to have a delirious episode.)

If circuit training is your jam, opt for a more low-impact regimen, and make sure you always have plenty of water on hand. If this was helpful like it and forward it. Standby for tomorrows exercise you should not do if over 50.


50 Plus Men's Club: The 7 most dangerous exercises you should not do if you are over 50.

50 Plus Men's Club: The 7 most dangerous exercises you should not do if you are over 50. #1 Crunches. Crunches are already one of the toughest exercises out there. (It's so easy to do them wrong!) To make matters worse, they become more of a health hazard as you get older. The more you age, the more you lose mobility in your spine, so the curling motion of a crunch will put stress on your neck and back - and can cause some serious issues like pinched nerves and muscle pain.

Switch up your ab routine and try planks instead. It will save the strain on your spine. Try them and let me know how if you can plank longer than 2 minutes. If this helped like it and forward it. Standby for tomorrows exercise you should not do if over 50.

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