Make the decision to begin a healthier life style today
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Frog in the Pot Principle
This is not funny but important to your life.
What bad health habits do you need to change right now. The Frog Principle demonstrates how slow changes in your life can go unnoticed until it is to late. Examples are overeating until your doctor says you have diabetes; not exercising until you are overweight/obese; not being health conscious until heart disease; not managing stress until you get hypertension; and not visiting the dentist until gum disease.
But, the most dreadful of all bad habits are pessimistic, negative self defeating thoughts; this one habit is at the root of most of all the issues one will suffer from. Take some of the students in some of my Kaplan classes; because it is the final week of classes with final exams and term papers due many of them are worrying and even saying things like my paper is really bad or worst I will probably fail this class. This negative self talk makes you fat, sick, and dumb (See June 21 post "Stress Management Techniques), and their grades will probably prove it. It is true that you reap what you sow, and this starts in your mind with your thoughts.
What happens to the frog happens to most people that wait to long to start paying attention to their health and fitness.
Are you guilty of any of these bad habits and need to change right now?
That's deep Clint!