Quote of the the week

Make the decision to begin a healthier life style today

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Seven Goals to Better Health

Health and wellness really is a simple process. If your health is important and you would like to begin a process of getting healthy, and staying healthy here are seven keys that will get you going on the right track.

Goal # 1: Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Our body is more than 70% water and when we are dehydrated this lack of water is the first step to cellular destruction. Dehydration leads to organ failure. When our organs fail we get sick. Goal # 1 is to get 8 hours of water a day.

Goal # 2: Get as close to 8 hours of sleep a night. Throughout the day your cells are damaged by the toxins in the air, the foods we eat, and the stress we put on our body. During our sleep cycle our body attempts to repair the damage create during the day. Chronic sleep deprivation will weaken your body’s ability to repair the damage done throughout the day and you will eventually get sick.

Goal # 3: Learn and use a stress management technique at least once a day. Next weeks post will list several stress management techniques. One of the most destructive elements to our health is stress. Stress does three very serious things to us. Stress causes us to gain weight and get fat, stress weakens your immune system, and stress makes you susceptible to illness and disease. Stress also kills the brain cells in the part of the brain responsible for thinking, rational thoughts, logic, reasoning, and intelligence; so essentially stress will make you fat, sick and stupid.

Goal # 4: Begin a simple exercise program. You can start by walking, and gradually extend the distance and speed everyday a little bit at a time. We have been told about exercise for year and most people know the importance of it, but 70% of Americans still don't exercise. Exercise strengthens your immune system, makes your heart stronger, and helps to reduce your stress. If you have not exercise in a while and you have health problems consult your health professional before beginning a fitness regimen.

Goal #5: Begin eating more fruits and vegetable than red meat. The experts have told us for years how important the right food is to our health. Food can be divided into 2 simple categories: foods that add to hour health and wellness, and foods that deteriorate you health. Foods that contribute to good health are fruits and vegetable. The foods that contribute to illness and disease are red meats.

Goal # 6: Take vitamins. The debate about whether you should or should not take vitamins is over. The experts are all aware of just how important vitamins are, but are you. Most of us do not eat properly in the first place so we are not getting everything we need from the food we eat. Even if you are eating properly most of the nutrients we expect to find in the foods we eat have been depleted from farming. The solution is to simply take a multiple vitamin. The link that follows is the super liquid vitamin I take http://www.betterbrainbody.com/

Goal # 7:  Develop and participate in a strong social network. Research has been pilling up that shows how good friends, family and a social support system is very good for your health. According to “Current Directions in Health Psychology (2005)” epidemiological research indicates that supportive relationships may significantly protect individuals from various causes of mortality including cardiovascular disease. The following link is to a nationwide network of various groups that can be used to find networks you might enjoy. http://www.meetup.com/


  1. Neat information! Do you write these articles yourself? Thanks for sharing! I have a lot to learn in Comp 2!

  2. Yes Debbie I do. I'm passionate about health and wellness so the writing comes almost natural to me. Thanks for the comments.


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