Quote of the the week

Make the decision to begin a healthier life style today

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What has learning integral health done for me?

Studying integral health has been the single most interested and educational course I have ever taken. The knowledge gained from this course had an effect on not only me personally but my entire family. During the third week of this course my mother was diagnosed with leukemia and given 90 days to live; this alone though the entire families into a tail spin. The stress of first trying to find other options for her, because the conventional medical community ran out of their limited options and gave up, to accepting the fact that she decided she didn’t want to try anymore the most stress I ever faced in a 30 day period and I spent more than 31 years in the Marines.

My mom passed away 10 days later, and even though everyone has their own way of handling grief it was what I had leaned in this course on contemplative exercises that help me the most. The Loving Kindness and Subtle Mind exercises were a God send. These two were part of my daily routine and whenever things got a little rough I could always take a moment and calm things down. However, the most exciting affect these two exercises created was not in my but in those around me. I think the Loving Kindness contemplative practice worked wonders on everyone around me.

I have always been or thought I was in very good psychological, physical and spiritual health. In Unit 3 I assessed myself pretty high in all three categories, but by Unit 7 it was clear I didn’t know what I was talking about. As high as I scored myself back than I feel I am at least twice as good now having studied this topic.

I have made major strides towards my goals and feel there will be no problem accomplishing them. I have implemented all my goals and have developed plans to accomplish them I think the most interested goal and plan deals with developing my psychological and spiritual wellbeing though contemplative practice’s. I meditate at least once or twice a day and it has got to the point where I might spend more than an hour in a half in some form of contemplative meditation. But most interesting is the use of brain entrainment to assist in developing the various mental states available thought meditation.

Brain entrainment is a way to rapidly achieve the alpha, theta or delta brain was state found when doing contemplative exercises. It’s used to help you get into a meditative state and create change. There are several brain entrainment tools a person can use I use the one below.


  1. Wow! Clint, I am crying. What a great post and I know your mom would be very proud of you. I have written the website for the brain tool down so I can go visit it as well.
    I have made some serious goals for myself as well during this class and I plan on keeping them! It is important to me.

    Keep up the great work and good luck in all of your endeavors.

  2. Hello Clint,

    I am so sorry for your loss. But I'm glad you found more balance and strength through your contemplative practices. I did not go through such a hardship, but I feel the loving-kindness meditation to be very helpful as well. And the fact that it not only affects you, but also those around you is priceless. I truly hope you continue with your practices and continue to try new ones. You are truly an example of how powerful training the mind can be. I wish you the very best on this exciting journey. ~Jenn

  3. Clint,

    I am thankful that you were able to learn so much from this course. This type of education is so unique because we can all use what we have learned every day of our lives. Not all fields are this way, which makes me thankful for the major I have had the opportunity to be a part of. I wish you all the best,



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